Monday, November 14, 2011

MM Part 6: An Attack repulsed

October…”two months and a half in our friend’s second year” 

HC has been assigned another place at another table. Second year, second table? Anyhow he sits where Settembrini once sat.

Again disruption of the peace at the Sanatorium: Clashes between Wenzel from Bohemia and Magnus from Halle. Does it mirror of what happens in the flatlands ? We don't know, Hans does not read newspapers.

Wehsal from Mannheim : a competitor for Clawdia who looks at HC with devotion. Strange adoration ?

Hans' uncle James Tienappel visits the Sanatorium to bring his nephew back home. See chapter “eternal soup” about Settembrini who predicted this visit. Hc experiences it as a raid from the flatlands but is not too much concerned. Tienappel has probably been urged by Joachim to save the lost family member.

See how this chapter parallels the first chapters of the book. HC imitates the welcoming J gave him. ( including the story of the evacuation of dead bodies by sleigh ). HC sounds like an “old hand” of the Sanatorium. He is totally indifferent to things from down below- family, job, home -

HC sounds like a ghost: ( monotonous voice ) “We’re never cold”
T asks HC to come home.

T reacts exactly like HC the first evening, laughing with the bizarre stories HC are telling, feeling uncomfortable etc etc

Poor James Tienappel, he experiences all the lures, dangers and fantasies of the enchanted mountain: divine creatures with deep cleavages, Krokowski’s erotic conferences, the absurd time experience…even a fascination with death…

King’s Capuchin’s catacombs of Palermo… not for the fainthearted !

and Uncle Tienappel runs away… 


Niello Silver : Russian silver ?
Wenzel, Wenceslas? Like saint Wenceslas patron of bohemia?