Saturday, October 22, 2011

MM Part 3 : Breakfast

1. Bildung

Still physical uncomfortable

Introduction of Hofrat Behrens. With Krokowki and Joachim you have now met the people who have a minor influences on Hans. Beherens takes care of the body, Krokowski the Mind and Joachim the soldier is discipline

“you would be a better patient than him”… Joachim who wants to proceed with his military training can’t wait to go back to the real world.

2. Time


3. Death

The tragic story of Tous – Les – deux. Loneliness, an inability to communicate, sorrow and impending death. Still for Hans this is “comical and weird” and makes a bad joke, no empathizing yet…

Is the tragic Mater Dolorosa "Tous les deux" an oracle predicting the illness of both cousins ? The dead of both cousins ?

Hans is surprised, considering that everybody around him is ill, that  breakfast is a cheerfull business. There is a holiday atmosphere hanging around.

4. Eros

“ There is no shortage of ladies” wohoooooo ?

5. Geography

The Russians are the Barbarians , the uncivilized come from the East.

6. Note

The Good refined and the Bad uncivilized Russians sit at different tables
Seven tables

The banging door will sound three times to introduce a major character.  Just like in a play.

“he found his subordinate position a bit absurd” Mind over matter ?

Behrens diagnoses Hans as being anaemic and advices him to follow the cure while he is at the Berghof.

Different hints at the “Mercury cigar”and  body temperature measuring