Study : A chronology of "A la recherche du temps perdu"
I was a bit confused by the chronology of the different books that make up Proust's masterwork. On one of the sites devoted to the French writer, I found this helpfull overview.
Swann in Love: 1877-78
[Births of the Narrator and Gilberte: 1878]
Combray I: 1883-1892
Gilberte: 1892-spring 1895
Balbec I: summer 1897
Guermantes: autumn 1897-summer 1899
Balbec II: summer 1900
Albertine: autumn 1900-beginning 1902
Venice: spring 1902
Tansonville: 1903?
The War: 1914 and 1916
Matinée Guermantes: about 1925